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A New Day On The Farm

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February 12, 2022

Mornings on the farm are some of my favorite times.

They are quiet, often a little cool and so often marked with incredible an incredible sunrise. 

Early this week I got to enjoy a spectacular one. 

I had just finished giving the cows a little hay, and I turned and climbed to the top of the pond up on a small hill. 

As I turned and surveyed the stockpile grass, the trees, the fields rolling away in all directions, I just had to stop and say a little prayer of thanksgiving. 

In a really busy and at times intense week it was an incredible moment of calm, peace, beauty and tranquility!

While this video will never do it justice I wanted to share the moment with you as best I could (please forgive the loud breathing in the background as I took the video I just didn't have anything to say but I was out of breath :)