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Pasture Raised Food and Peace Of Mind Delivered To Your Neighborhood

Buying Club Pickups

If you live near our farm or in a surrounding city you can select a "Buying Club Pickup Location" (including the one on our farm). You simply order online and then meet our delivery van at the Buying Club Location and Time You Selected.

The best thing about the Buying Club Pickup is you get to meet our amazing helpers (and us) as we make the deliveries. Plus Buying club's have no order minimums, pricing is the lowest as we have very little cost in packaging and all our dairy products are available.

Getting Started

Choose Buying Club Pickup

Simply create an account, enter your zip code and choose the "Buying Club Pickup" that works best for you.

Make Selections

Choose real pasture raised food your family can enjoy with confidence from a farm family you can trust!

Pick Up & Enjoy!

Meet us to pick up your order on your scheduled pickup date and time. We look forward to seeing you and your family will love the farm fresh food!

Common Questions

What is a pickup location?

Pickup Locations are simply places where we meet you with your order. Common locations are home driveways or parking lots. You will pickup your order from our delivery driver next to our Branded Delivery Van (not inside the house or business at that address).

How do pickup days work?

Arrive at the pickup location at your scheduled time. You will be greeted by our farm's friendly delivery driver. Provide the name on your order and we will carry it to your vehicle. 

What should I bring on pickup day?

You may want to bring a cooler if you are traveling over an hour. 

How is my order packaged?

All meat items come individually packaged and frozen. Your items will always be packed in boxes or bags for your convenience.

How do I add to my current order?

You can simply login anytime before your upcoming deadline and add to an existing order.

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept all major credit/debit cards as our sole payment method. At the time of placing your first order you will be prompted to add a credit card to your account. Once finalized, your order's total will be charged to your card on file and your receipt will be emailed. If you would like to pay by check you can learn more here: Pay By Check

Is there a delivery fee?

No - there is no delivery fee of any kind!

Can a friend pick-up my order?

Yes, just be sure to have an active credit card on file so your order can be charged prior to pickup.

When are the order deadlines?

The order deadlines are listed on the locations page

Can Someone At The Pickup Hold My Order?

No. If you need someone to pickup or hold your order you will need to arrange it with them ahead of time. When they come they can just let us know they are picking up for you.

Ordering Policies

Order totals are estimated

Since many items are priced by the pound, your final total may be a little more or less than your order's initial estimated total. Once finalized, your total and your receipt will be emailed.

Short stock items

Please understand that we are small farm not a large warehouse. If an item becomes unavailable your final total as well as any applicable delivery fees will be reduced.

Cancellations & missed pickups

ALL orders require a 48 hour cancellation notice prior to your scheduled pickup time. If your order is cancelled with at least 48 hour notice your order balance will be put on your account as credit that you may use on the next order that you place. If you miss your pickup without providing a 48 hour cancellation notice your order will be cancelled and your order balance will be put on your account as credit that you may use on the next order that you place less a $10 restocking fee. (Routine occurrences will result in cancellation of service.) Be sure to mark your calendars for your order pickup date and precise scheduled pickup time! To be fair to other customers we cannot wait on latecomers. If you show up late, our delivery  vehicle will already be in transit to the next stop.