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{Watch} Piglets At Play

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July 23, 2022

Our Sows (female pigs) Sugars and Daisy (the boys helped name them can you tell ;) both recently had piglets!!!

Most baby animals are pretty cute but these little black and spotted piglets were especially so!

I had been trying to get some good pictures of them to show you but they had been eluding my efforts. You see sows can be very protective of their young and lets just say that scheduling a photoshoot for my enjoyment was not high at all on their sow to-do list haha. 

But every once in a while I am just in the right place at the right time! Walking through the pen one day the sows were off having breakfast when I came on a set of the piglets playing. 

It was one of the cutest things I have seen on the farm in quite a while!!!

Shortly after the sow ran over and informed them not to play with humans and they marched off with her but I was pretty excited to get to catch them on video playing like that!