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We Hiked The Grand Canyon Backwards Part 2.

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November 9, 2022

When we left off last time............ it was 12:05 am, we both awoke, checked the time and looked at each other. We grinned in the dark then sat up and started breaking down our campsite.

With headlamps on and our soggy gear stowed, we set off at 1am for "the box". We didn't know it then but this was the last time we would camp inside the canyon on this adventure........

We felt surprisingly rested and even a little buoyant as we set out on the trail.

The stars were bright overhead and the moon glowed into the canyon as we plodded along. The going was steady but slower as the rain from the day before had flooded the trail and we often found ourselves skirting it slightly in a mostly futile attempt to keep our feet dry as long as possible.

Our next landmark on the map was the bridge crossing the Colorado River. However, night hiking proved to be a mixed bag of benefits.

On the upside we were quite cool and comfortable and we had the trail completely to ourselves. Literally we saw no one for hours. We also had the benefit of generally feeling like we were getting a head start which buoyed our spirits and helped us pick up the pace.

In the "in between category," night hiking did slow us down at times. The trail eventually wound along a narrow ledge with slick steps for several miles. We had to watch our step and without the ability to see far at all, we were more cautious at times as we couldn't see over the edge or what lay ahead.

On the downside category night hiking made it extremely difficult to judge distance. We couldn't see far behind or far ahead. Without those reference points or even the ability to see landmarks that the map pointed out, we quickly lost perspective on where we were on the trail.

The roar of water and the dark snaking shape of the Colorado River brought us some comfort, a few hours in, as we realized we must be getting closer to the bridge. Though proximity to the river also brought sand on the trail.

The sand dramatically slowed down our pace! Hiking in sand has been described as taking two steps forward and one back, and I would certainly concur.

In addition, we were taking great care to keep the sand out of our shoes and socks as we knew that developing blisters in the middle of this 24 mile hike would be disastrous.

With a slow pace and careful steps we finally made it out of the sand trails and caught our first glimpse of the bridge and another light.

Bobbing in the distance on the other side of the river was what appeared to be a red and white headlamp. Our first sighting of other people since we had camped!

We would go another 6 hours before we saw another hiker.

We crossed over the Colorado River without incident and made our way through the Bright Angel Campground. Still in the wee hours of the morning we walked past rows of cabins and pitched tents.

We were resting every half mile or so, mostly at my insistence. Despite being pregnant and carrying a 30lb pack Mariah was feeling great. The air was fresh and cool and our spirits excited at the challenge we were facing.

Two miles after the bright angel campground the canyon began to lighten as day slowly dawned. As it did so we crossed the bridge and entered "the box". As I mentioned earlier "the box" was an extremely narrow 4 miles of the canyon. It was aligned such that after 10am the sun could heat it to 30 degrees hotter than rim temperatures. With an 80 degree high that day we knew we had to get through well before it hit 110 degrees!

With some trepidation and plenty of excitement we picked up our pace and headed in.

It would prove to be the most pleasant, beautiful, and enjoyable part of our entire journey!

Completely alone we hiked along a thin narrow path at the base of the canyon walls and watched the sun rise and stream beautiful rays of light into the canyon around us. Still early in the day, we were shaded by the canyon wall and cooled by the early mountain air.

A crystal clear stream flowed within 20 yards of the trail for the entire length of "the box" and we enjoyed the incredible relaxing sounds of the water crashing into and rushing past the rocks.

Even with frequent breaks we set our fastest pace of the entire journey as we determinedly pressed on. As beautiful as it was, we knew that we needed to get to the other side of the four mile "box" as quickly as possible.

Still struggling to accurately gauge distance, we knew "the box" officially ended when we passed two bridges in a row. To our great joy and near amazement we hit the second bridge by 6AM!!!

We had successfully traversed "the box" and believed the hardest portion of our journey was now behind us - we were wrong......

We hurried on a little farther and then took a longer well-earned break. We filled our water packs with a water filter from the stream, checked our gear and then pulled out our map.

As we munched jerky sticks and peanut butter sandwiches, we considered our next steps. Thanks to our midnight start we were running far ahead of our plan. We were currently only 3 miles from our next campground - Cottonwood!

We had originally scheduled our shuttle for 8am the next morning. The Cottonwood campground was still 7.5 miles from the top of the North Rim and our shuttle pickup. That would mean we would have to once again wake in the wee ours of the morning in order to have the time to make the 7 mile hike up the shear face of the canyon to reach the shuttle.

It was at this point we began to consider a different option, what if we hiked straight to the top today? We had the option to reschedule shuttle pickup for 2pm. Could we make it?

It was only 6:30 in the morning. Could we hike the final 10 miles in 7.5 hours? We thought so!

So we slung our packs and set out at a steady pace. Our plan was to measure our time to the campground and make our final decision then.

In the back of our minds we both knew there was one factor that would be hard to predict..... how slow would we be when we were scaling the canyon wall?

According to our map the trail would begin a steady uphill bent after we reached the Cottonwood campground, it would then become quite steep as we traversed the final four miles.

Another complicating factor was water. The trail water stations on this side of the canyon were all off due to maintenance. The last place to fill our water packs (3 liters each) was about 6 miles from the top. We would have to do the hardest part of the hike without the opportunity to refill our water!

When we reached the campground we paused and considered what we should do. The campground itself was incredible! The views were spectacular and if we stayed we knew we could relax and explore for the rest of the day.

However, we were both restless. The thought of finishing the hike a whole day sooner and enjoying a hot shower by 8pm seemed irresistible. Our camping gear was still damp and we both felt great and had been setting a great pace. It seemed like the sensible thing to go on!

We were wrong!

About a mile after the campground the trail started to raise significantly. We were going up and down hills but steadily gaining elevation. Our legs had felt so fresh earlier but had all-ready hiked 13 miles with heavy packs and they began to slow.

We also became aware watching the sun's shadow in the canyon that we would soon be doing our hike in the full sun. We picked up our pace again but like a cruel and foreboding sun dial the shadow kept receding.

When the sun finally reached us, we seriously considered just turning around and heading back to the campground. However that was all-ready over two miles back. The thought of having to backtrack two miles and then turning around the next morning and hiking it again was too much. We pressed on with determination.

One mile later we took a 30 minute break to scamper down the now steep valley to the flowing creek. Looking at the map it was clear that this would be our final water fill. With just a little bit of growing unease, we made the rough climb back up to the trail and pressed on.

We soon reached the final ascent. Steep switchbacks on a trail cut info the narrow face of the canyon. Sweeping views offered moments of relief but the now hot sun and our tired legs were hobbling our progress.

Mariah began to really struggle to keep pace and the heat and exertion of our now very difficult hike had us drinking water heavily trying to stay hydrated. However, in spite of Mariah's incredible effort our pace had slowed to the point that making it to the top by 2pm was seriously in doubt.

That was a crippling thought! If we missed our 2pm shuttle we would be on the top of the North Rim without a campground and without a ride until 8am the next day!

Something had to change or we were going to be in a big mess! So against Mariah's wishes I shouldered her pack on top of mine and we headed off again.

I was now carrying 80lbs of gear up the mountain. With no way to secure the second pack I simply flopped it loosely on top of my other pack on one shoulder or the other. Being very off balance I had to switch shoulders every few minutes and tried to keep the extra pack on the side away from the sheer drop off the trail. That way if I tripped it would pull me down towards the canyon wall and not plummet off the side of the trail.

As difficult as it was, this change sped up our overall pace significantly! As Mariah's newly increased pace was now nearly even with my newly reduced pace.

After a mile or so of this new pace we were back on track and looked like we would reach the top about 20 minutes ahead of our shuttle. It was here that disaster struck!

Our water packs were 3 liter pouches with drinking straws. Since the pouches were tucked into our packs we could not see them. Which meant we did not have any concept on how much water we had left. So it was with a sense of dread that I slurped on my straw and got nothing but air!

We had gone through nearly all our water and still had 4 miles to climb.

Despairing, we prayed and trudged on. At this point we saw up ahead a group of hikers all stopped on the trail. As we approached it became clear no one was going further. When we reached the group of hikers they informed us that the Park service had closed the trail up ahead for the next 45 minutes to do repairs.

We were floored! We had no water, were on a super tight deadline to make our shuttle and to make it worse where we were stopped on the trail had no shade cover. We were baking in the sun.

We watched the park service ranger bob around in his hard hat for 30 minutes. He made exactly no changes to the trail just wrote some things in a notebook and then announced we could continue.

With only two miles left to climb, we were now completely exhausted and demoralized. Without water our muscles began to cramp and our throats dried out. We had gained an enormous amount of elevation (we were basically climbing a mountain) and so the thin air was lower in oxygen and we began panting for breath.

Our pace slowed to a snails pace as we trudged out twenty paces and then were forced to take a break by wheezing lungs and exhausted legs.

Only by sheer force of will and mutual encouragement did we continue on. Up up up the trail. We began to pass a few hikers coming down the trail and made inquiry about how much further we had to go. They said about a mile.

Buoyed but also exhausted we slowly trudged on up seemingly endless steps. Sometimes we were forced to break after only 5 or six because of exhaustion and dehydration.

It was at this time that the Lord sent provision. Another nice couple who came along us on the trail saw our exhausted faces and me carrying Mariah's pack and asked if they could help.

The young husband offered to carry Mariah's pack so I only had to carry one and his wife offered us two packs of sliced apples. They had no water to share but the juice of the apples refreshed us and we pushed on.

It was in this way, slow agonizing step after slow agonizing step ;hand in hand we reached the top. A water spigot sat at the trailhead and we eagerly filled our water packs and guzzled water.

It was at this point I checked the time. It was 2:35. Our shuttle was nowhere in sight. After placing a call to the shuttle service we learned they had waited for us for 15 minutes but had left at 2:15 and would not turn around.

The news was crushing! Exhausted we sat for about an hour and just thought of options. We finally decided to just ask for rides and hope we could find someone heading to the south rim.

We did not. However we did meet Bob and his wife. I am confident God sent Bob to us then. He gave us a ride in his car two miles over to the North Rim day hikers campground (we didn't even know it existed). He made sure we got a spot to camp and food to eat.

At this point we could barely walk. In fact it was more like waddling. Nothing worked correctly and we were mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted.

However our campground was only about 30 yards from the North Rim of the Canyon the sunset that evening and Sunrise the next morning were absolutely incredible.

It was cold and windy up there. Just like a mountain peak but we got our tent pitched, collapsed inside and woke early at 5am to make sure we were packed and didn't miss our shuttle. The day dawn clear and we rode the shuttle back to the South Rim.

There we met my parents and the boys who had been enjoying the views on a sunny day at the South Rim.

Once back at the house, we pondered our trip. In 23 Hours we had hiked 24 Miles -4000 ft. of Elevation Down + 6000 ft Back Up- with full hiking packs.

We also learned that we had done the hike backwards. Apparently it is dramatically harder to hike from from the South Rim to the North Rim. We should have started on the North and headed south.

But we couldn't go back in time. Having completed this epic journey we had plenty of things we would do next time but none we would change about the trip - except packing extra water bottles :)

Blessings from your crazy adventurous farmers!

-David and Mariah

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Paul Bunyan & Other Christmas Tree Adventures

About 10 days before Christmas it occurred to Mariah and I that if we were going to put up a tree we were kinda running out of time....It was already late in the evening after a long day and I was exhausted. Mariah pointed out that this could be our last opportunity to put it up before Christmas and that the boys would likely be pretty disappointed if we didn't. After all, it would be our first year ever in our marriage that we hadn't put up a real farm cut Christmas tree (though each and every one has been quite unique).Why would this be our last chance? Well because we are expecting our 5th child and the due date is Dec 23rd :) I begrudgingly acknowledged that she had a point. She wasn't in labor right now and I had no guarantee she wouldn't be tomorrow and if the baby came before the tree well that would pretty much guarantee - no tree. I believe I said said something along the lines of well that is a risk we will have to take. I'm exhausted and its dark and well (insert like 3-4 more very legitimate excuses here) all given really because it was cold and I didn't want to go back outside.....Well Mariah went about prepping supper and as I sat in our rocking chair generally enjoying not doing anything for the first time in 12 hours I began to remember all kinds of warm memories from Christmas time when I was a child, and a growing sense of conviction started to stir me into action. So with about as much Christmas spirit as the Grinch headed to Whoville I quietly donned my coat and slipped outside. Ephraim noticed my quiet exit and, throwing on boots and a coat, exuberantly headed out behind me completely unaware what we were doing or why and marched into the cold with a childlike joy. I admit that did raise my spirits, though for principles sake I resolved not to show it haha, but I did let Ephraim in on our mission. Particularly that my goal was to cut down something within walking distance of the house and that it would be dramatically smaller than last year.He said he knew just the tree and excitedly showed me a cedar tree he thought would be perfect. Well "tree" is a bit a a stretch. It was more like a cedar sapling and if it had more than four branches one must have been hiding behind it. Since I had a general sense that Mariah would not be thrilled by a tree that was not actually green (my husband senses have grown strong over the years), I politely told Ephraim we might scout around for more options. Walking to get my chainsaw, I noticed something green in the corral (that was a good start considering our last contender) and I walked over to inspect. My analysis went something like this: Close to the house - check. Somewhat green - check. Smaller than last year - check. Dimensions, and fatefully straightness were not factored into my selection equation. In an effort to speed up the selection process I asked for no input and Mariah's first hint that I had in fact taken her advice to get a tree was noticing I and Ephraim were not in the house as she heard chainsaw noises echoing just 50 yards out the North window. As I dragged my prize back to the house feeling rather pleased at the speed of this adventure, (especially compared to past years), Ephraim carried my chainsaw back to the truck like a soldier who had just received a medal of valor. Really his enthusiasm and zeal for doing pretty much anything is incredibly admirable and frequently brings smiles to our faces. As I brought my prize through the door, rather feeling like dad of the year considering I had reversed course and guaranteed the boys would get to experience the joy of decorating a "tree" again this year, Mariah graciously said it looked nice while suggesting we might need to trim a few branches. Owing to the fact its overall shape (which I hadn't bothered to analyze earlier) had been molded by growing through corral panels, I had to admit that a few selective trims might be in order to make its shape more conical and less like the tentacles of the "watcher" in the pool outside Moria in the Lord of the Rings. For reasons I may never understand, Mariah objected to the use of the chainsaw indoors and so the grinch headed back to Whoville  outside in the cold for the second unplanned trip that evening. Failing to find my handsaw in the carefully organized heap inside the open sided 1900s milk shed I generally refer to as a barn, I returned with my sawzaw and a wood blade. After some not so careful trimming the "tree" looked a little more conical and depsite the large gaps in its branches on two sides, all involved (perhaps moved by the spirit of the season) gave it their approval.The tree was then raised in its stand ( I noted at this point that the main branch was bent nearly 90 degrees at one point, and after a few inches of lateral growth resumed its somewhat straight approach skyward. This made the weight of the tree very offset in the tree stand and set the stage for the disasters to come. Just when I had got the box of ornaments, lights, and ropes (used to secure the tree to the wall to prevent falling - little hands can have a lot of fun with a tree) my phone rang. Breathless on the phone was none other than my Father in law. I needed to come immediately! There was a grass fire on our farm near his house! A fire haha, how? It had just rained and this time of year there is really not much to burn, but the only real reason I can give for it is that it's just us. I mean why shouldn't we get an unexpected call that there was an unexpected blaze miles from our house in the cold while were just getting ready to decorate the tree? Somehow it just fit us perfectly. I won't go into much detail here but thankfully the fire was not serious (a small grass fire in the fence line with the neighbor) and I and my father in law were able to put it out in about an hour (most of that time spent stomping out embers to prevent having to come back out in an hour to put out the same fire). Returning from my third unexpected trip outside in the cold, I entered our tranquil dwelling pretty much dead set on a shower and bed. Covered in soot, and generally smelling like a skunky ash tray (grass fires stink) I entered the house to see the tree had taken its first (note I said first) nosedive. The whole "come quick there's a fire adventure" had undermined my intention to immediately tie up the tree to the wall and apparently with a little help from our youngest son the tree had come tumbling down like it was felled by the axe of Paul Bunyan. It should be noted at this point that despite a lot of work I could never get the tree to really sit right or even kind of right in the tree stand again. The first tumble had made some irreparable changes to the structure of the tree and stand. Moved by the jumping exuberance of my children and rather haunted by the thought of what might come up tomorrow if we delayed decorating anymore, I aquiesced to their request to decorate it that very evening. And so, with the smell of fresh cut cedar and smoke wafting through the house, we decorated our tree and sat back to enjoy this year's special moment.  But the story doesn't end there. Oh no that was really just the beginning haha. You seen in all the excitement of decorating it had somehow slipped my mind that our vertically challenged tree, was unbalanced, precariously resting in a bent tree stand, and had never received its support string that would have secured it to the wall. Thankfully I remembered just in time - right after Mariah called me the next day (extremely happy and overflowing with seasonal joy) to inform me the tree had come tumbling down (if your counting this is fall number two). Thankfully all of the glass ornaments survived (somehow) and after a good deal of sweeping up the little stickers that fall off of real cedar trees (socked feet are also extremely effective at gathering these little anti tank fortifications), the tree was back up and tied to the wall. Unfortunately at this point the tree and its relationship to the tree stand had been further altered such that it was now clear it would not and could not stand on its own without the rope tied to the hook on the wall (I did use a festive white and blue striped thick rope though just so everything would match with traditional Christmas themes :)It is at this time that our fourth child and general angelic being, Levi, enters the story.  Isn't that a precious photo? You see Levi loves tractors. I mean absolutely loves them. His first words every morning for months when he wakes up has been "wheres actor?". By which he wants to be told and preferably shown the relationship of our blue farm tractor to his location in the house. He is also of an age where remembering to not do the things he is told not to do is quite difficult. And so for reasons that I am sure will make us chuckle in years to come but remain somewhat of a mystery at this point, a small tractor ornament was placed on the tree at eye level to Levi, on the side of the tree that already had quite a lean to it. At this point I need you to use your imagination and applying the picture above as inspiration, imagine Levi in a passing instant, reaching out towards that tractor in the tree, touching it, and like a drowning man grasping the hand drawing him from the waves - giving it just a little tug. Now imagine Paul Bunyans axe smiting the base of a tree with the final blow of his great axe and it falling, swift and sure, down to the ground. Now if that same tree was covered in lights and Christmas ornaments and narrowly missed the head of my youngest son - you have the right picture in your mind. Strike three, the tree was down. Levi was in tears, and somehow the charm of this year's tree had somehow left Mariah. It was at this point she suggested perhaps the tree had served its purpose for the season and could be taken down now before Christmas? Feeling that would just not be right I dismissed her concerns of a reoccurrence of this gravitational incident, righted the tree and with a few deft knots (I am a renowned knotsmith - just ask anyone) assured her the tree was secure. She dutifully redecorated it, and it stood there like a beacon of joy for at least another 23 hours....Then came the fateful moment - strike four. This time I need you to imagine the exact same situation as before except as the tree falls imagine my small angelic son staring up at the tree as it smokes him in the head on the way down. Needless to say there were many more Levi tears. The tree was once again righted but Mariah looked at me and my knot tying abilities with more skepticism, but the real damage done was to the tree. This fall had done some structural damage, the branches no longer pointed the right way and the lights and ornaments could not have been more artfully arranged had we had hurled them at the tree from our upstairs balcony. With a resigned sigh, I began taking down the tree 6 days before Christmas. It had stood as a beacon of light and a monument of my dedication to my progeny's childhood memories for four memorable days. 

{Watch} Look Out For That.....Cow!

Because we practice planned regenerative grazing on our farm we are moving cows, sheep, and chickens to fresh pasture nearly every day!Each animal has its own unique characteristics behaviors. For instance, the sheep tend to form a tight herd and give a little excited jump just as they go through the gate. The chickens flap their wings in excitement and the cattle well when they get really excited they do little happy charges and jump.Yep you read that right. The cows have some curious habits when they get really excited. I took a video of me moving the cows just the other day and they didn't disappoint!In fact at one point I had to make sure that one of them wasn't going to accidentally run into me ( I should add it has never happened as they are in incredible control of themselves even during their happy dances haha.  Unfortunately I got a phone call right as we got to the gate to go into the fresh pasture and it cut off my video....But the cows arrived to their fresh pasture and were quite thrilled!The cows are handy too as they will readily follow us across several fields if necessary to reach our final destination - just as long as we keep calling them that is. Haha some find it quite amusing what we trained our cows to come to. I hope you enjoyed hearing our top secret cow call in the video :)