A Real Family, On A Real Farm, Raising Nutrient Rich Food, For OUR Families
Our Pigs and Meat Chickens are truly pasture raised - just like our cows, sheep, and laying hens our pigs and meat chickens are rotated across our fields allowing them to harvest the best grass and giving the plants time to fully recover.
Pigs and Chickens are Omnivores - this means they need a diverse diet of pasture, insects, seeds, nuts and gmo free grain to thrive. On our farm, our pigs and meat chickens receive this kind of diverse diet. On conventional farms they are kept in filthy air and packed conditions in houses where they will likely never see the sun. Their sole diet is gmo grain. This leads to unhealthy meat that is little more than empty sickly calories.
Our Pigs have tails and our chickens see the sun- on conventional farms the tails of pigs are cut off for fear they will start eating each other because of their stressed conditions. Most factory chickens never see the sun much less an insect. On our farm the pigs have tails (without any snacking issues) and the chickens spend their lives on pasture eating insects and forage and relishing in the sunlight.
We use the natural gifts of our pigs and chickens to restore the land - Both our pigs and our chickens have natural abilities and gifts that can be used to heal and restore the land if managed properly. Our chickens are great for natural insect control and organic fertilization of our weakest fields. Our pigs come with a plow for a nose. We don't want any of our fields plowed but by moving them rapidly we allow them to lightly massage and disturb small areas allowing new seedlings to establish. This is particularly useful in creating silvopasture (grass in trees).
Delicious and wholesome flavor -Pork and Chicken raised on pasture has a completely different delicious and wholesome taste and flavor compared to factory farmed fare. If you have never tried real pasture pork or chicken you are in for a delicious treat!