Farm Tour Day 4 - Grass Fed To Finish Lamb

A Real Family, On A Real Farm, Raising Nutrient Rich Food, For OUR Families

Key Points From Today:

We Rotate the sheep across our pastures on the farm just like the our beef cattle - This allows the sheep to enjoy only the best most succulent grass and forbs and to trample the rest to the soil surface building new soil and a water holding mulch

A Sheep's favorite food is not grass??? - While they eat a lot of grass and our sheep are 100% grass fed to finish, our sheep love to eat "weeds" (which are technically shrubs and forbs) the best

We Are A Chemical Free Farm - Because our sheep eat our weeds we are able to be a completely chemical free farm (this is really unique). Even most "organic farms" actually use some pretty harsh chemicals (they are allowed to because they are "natural" harsh chemicals.

Our Lamb is extremely nutrient rich - besides eating a lot of grass grown on healthy soils the sheep's added nutrient density comes from their love of "weeds" (forbs). These forbs have extremely deep tap roots and concentrate trace minerals and healthy plant compounds that the sheep get when they eat the leaves. This results in the lamb being even more nutrient rich than our beef (which is really hard to do)

Our Lamb is mild in flavor and delicious - feeding grain and unhealthy grass to sheep (what most farms do) produces a strong and unpleasant taste in the lamb. In contrast our grass and forb fed sheep have a delicious mild flavor particularly good in Mediterranean and Italian dishes. 

Healthy soil = nutrient rich plants = healthy animals = thriving families

Grass and Forb Fed - Lamb

Mild and Delicious and did we mention chemical free!